Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are a popular option for patients who want to rejuvenate their smile, improve their appearance and boost their confidence.


Simple & Effective

The Implant consists of two components. A small-grade titanium screw which mimics the tooth root and a prosthetic ceramic Crown which looks and feels like a natural tooth. Once you are determined to be a suitable candidate for the procedure, the biocompatible screw (a small titanium post that is not harmful to living tissue) is embedded in your gum so that it can fuse with your jawbone in a process called osseointegration.

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The Process for Dental Implants:


1st Appointment

At your first appointment, you will receive an examination from Hari Hunjan Implant Surgeon. The Dental Implant process will be explained to you through imaging and models. X-rays may be taken if you decide to proceed with the treatment to ensure your jaw is strong enough to support the Implant.


2nd Appointment

At your next appointment, the original tooth will be extracted before fitting you with the titanium post or posts under a local anaesthetic or IV sedation. Multiple posts can be fitted in one appointment if you are having more than one Implant.



Once the gum has healed, we will take an impression of your mouth in order to design the ceramic prosthesis.



The final step is to attach the prosthesis to the titanium Implant.

 You will be fitted with a temporary Resin Bridge in the case of full teeth replacement to give the Implants time to stabilise.

The entire process takes about three to six months after which you can treat your Implant just like a normal tooth.


Types Of Implants

Implant Retained Dentures
Choosing a fixed solution to missing teeth can be a desirable option for patients who do not want removable dentures. During the Dental Implant procedure, your Dentist will insert a small screw made of biocompatible (not harmful to living tissue) material into the jaw. Over time the material fuses with the jaw bone, a process called osseointegration, resulting in a secure anchor which is integrated into your natural bone.
Implants for partial or full Dentures
Dental Implants can be used to attach both partial sets and full sets of Dentures, depending on each patient’s specific needs and dentition. There are now options available for fixed and removable Implant Retained Dentures.
Single Tooth Dental Implants
For patients who require a Single Tooth Dental Implant, a single (titanium screw) can be inserted during a minimally invasive procedure. Once the site has healed, a fixed artificial tooth (Crown) can be attached to the Dental Implant to restore your dental structure and improve functionality.